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Why is Chill Bill a meme?

In the early 2020s, Chill Bill earned meme attention for his catchphrase "I aim to freeze," his theme song known as the Chill Bill Theme Song as well as via usage in exploitables, as in, his image was added to various meme templates with varying captions in a nonsensical way.

What is a meme?

Webster’s New World College Dictionary defines a meme as “a concept, belief, or practice conceived as a unit of cultural information that may be passed on from person to person, subject to influences in a way analogous to natural selection.” Like many words in the English language, the word “meme” has undergone a semantic shift over time.

Are memes shareable?

Memes are shareable by nature. “In a world where you are scrolling through news feeds for hours a day, the meme format catches your eye, and most of them can be read and understood within seconds,” said Samir Mezrahi, the deputy director of social media at BuzzFeed, who also runs Kale Salad, a meme account with nearly four million followers.

How many times has the word “meme” been used?

The word “meme” has been used in the New York Times Crossword 60 times since the puzzle’s inception in the 1940s, according to XWordInfo. Although it’s difficult to identify the first meme ever, the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins is credited with introducing the term in his 1976 book, “The Selfish Gene.”

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